/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Script.java -- LED Sign V2.5 // // Contains the following classes: // Script -- The class that manages the script // including parsing, storage, and // retrieval. // // Revisions: // V2.7: See "Revisions" doc for more info // // V2.5: Fixed all known bugs in previous versions! Added // the new feature of ledsize, which allows the user // to specify in pixels how big the LED's (1-4). // Thanks to Robert B. Denny (rdenny@dc3.com) for // code and input! // Modified Dec 20-26, 1995 // // V2.0beta: Modified V1.0 to comply with Pre-Beta java. // A problem with delay causes a jerky display. // Modified Oct 20 - 29, 1995 // // V1.0: Written July 17 - August 6, 1995 // // by Darrick Brown // dbrown@cs.hope.edu // http://www.cs.hope.edu/~dbrown/ // // © Copyright 1995 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.net.*; import FuncInfo; import linkList; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Function Code // -------- ---- // Appear 0 // Sleep 1 // ScrollLeft 2 // ScrollRight 3 // ScrollUp 4 // ScrollDown 5 // Pixel 6 // Blink 7 // OverRight 8 // ScrollCenter 9 // OverCenter 10 // OverLeft 11 // OverUp 12 // OverDown 13 // Do 97 // Repeat 98 // Reload 99 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The class that parses the script and keeps it in memory public class Script { linkList list; // the linked list for the script linkList ptr,start; // the current line and start of the list int ok; String scrpt; URL documentURL; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The constructor public Script(URL url, String s) { scrpt = s; documentURL = url; if(initScript() == -1) { ok = -1; } else { ok = 1; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get the parameters from the functions in the script String getParam(String s, String sub) { int i,j; String tmp; i = s.indexOf(sub); j = s.indexOf("text"); if(j == -1 || i <= j) // if the first occurance of "sub" is before { // the "text=" (ie not in the message) if(i == -1) return null; else { tmp = s.substring(i); // forget everything before the sub i = tmp.indexOf("="); if(i == -1) { System.out.println("Error in '"+sub+"' parameter in "+s); return null; } else { i++; // one spot after the "=" if(sub.compareTo("text") == 0) tmp = tmp.substring(i); else { tmp = tmp.substring(i); if(tmp.indexOf(" ") != -1) tmp = tmp.substring(0,tmp.indexOf(" ")); } tmp.trim(); return tmp; } } } else return null; } // End getParam() /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get the function info FuncInfo getFunc(String s) { int i; String tmp; FuncInfo fi = new FuncInfo(); // Assign the defaults fi.func = -1; fi.delay = 40; fi.startspace = 10; fi.endspace = 20; fi.times = -1; fi.remaining = 0; fi.centered = false; fi.color = new String(""); fi.text = new String("No text specified"); fi.url = null; fi.ret = null; //get rid of any starting (and ending) white space, just to be sure. s = s.trim(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Any parameters that might exist. This will // read in any command line parameters for each // function. For example: Sleep text=blah blah // is accepted, but the text will never be used tmp = getParam(s,"delay"); if(tmp != null) fi.delay = (new Integer(tmp)).intValue(); tmp = getParam(s,"clear"); if(tmp != null && tmp.compareTo("true") == 0) { fi.centered = true; fi.text = new String(""); } else { tmp = getParam(s,"center"); if(tmp != null && tmp.compareTo("true") == 0) fi.centered = true; else { fi.centered = false; tmp = getParam(s,"startspace"); if(tmp != null) fi.startspace = (new Integer(tmp)).intValue(); tmp = getParam(s,"endspace"); if(tmp != null) fi.endspace = (new Integer(tmp)).intValue(); } tmp = getParam(s,"text"); if(tmp != null) fi.text = tmp; } tmp = getParam(s,"times"); if(tmp != null) { fi.times = (new Integer(tmp)).intValue(); fi.remaining = fi.times; } tmp = getParam(s,"pixels"); if(tmp != null) { fi.times = (new Integer(tmp)).intValue(); fi.remaining = fi.times; } tmp = getParam(s,"URL"); if(tmp != null) { if(tmp.indexOf(',') != -1) { // They specified a frame target. // Separate out the target and URL. fi.target = tmp.substring(tmp.indexOf(',') + 1); tmp = tmp.substring(0,tmp.indexOf(',')); } else fi.target = new String(""); try { fi.url = new URL(tmp); } catch(MalformedURLException e) { System.out.println("Bad URL: "+tmp); fi.url = null; } } else { fi.url = null; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // set the function number (and some minor // tweeks/precautions) i = s.indexOf(" "); if(i != -1) tmp = s.substring(0,i); else tmp = s; if(tmp.compareTo("Appear") == 0) { fi.func = 0; } else if(tmp.compareTo("Sleep") == 0) { fi.func = 1; } else if(tmp.compareTo("ScrollLeft") == 0) { fi.func = 2; } else if(tmp.compareTo("ScrollRight") == 0) { fi.func = 3; } else if(tmp.compareTo("ScrollUp") == 0) { fi.func = 4; } else if(tmp.compareTo("ScrollDown") == 0) { fi.func = 5; } else if(tmp.compareTo("Pixel") == 0) { fi.func = 6; // Just for precautions dealing with a delay problem. // This shouldn't be noticable. if(fi.delay < 1) fi.delay = 1; // Can't allow "times" to be 0 or less, it will cause // the sign to freeze (not procede). if(fi.times < 1) fi.times = 15; } else if(tmp.compareTo("Blink") == 0) { fi.func = 7; if(fi.times < 1) fi.times = 2; } else if(tmp.compareTo("OverRight") == 0) { fi.func = 8; } else if(tmp.compareTo("ScrollCenter") == 0) { fi.func = 9; } else if(tmp.compareTo("OverCenter") == 0) { fi.func = 10; } else if(tmp.compareTo("OverLeft") == 0) { fi.func = 11; } else if(tmp.compareTo("OverUp") == 0) { fi.func = 12; } else if(tmp.compareTo("OverDown") == 0) { fi.func = 13; } else if(tmp.compareTo("Do") == 0) { fi.func = 97; // This marks a place for the "repeats" to go back to. } else if(tmp.compareTo("Repeat") == 0) { fi.func = 98; } else if(tmp.compareTo("Reload") == 0) { fi.func = 99; } fi.store = fi.text; return fi; } // End getFunc() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // get the next function FuncInfo nextFunc() { FuncInfo fi; fi = ptr.fi; ptr = ptr.next; switch(fi.func) { case 97: // Do fi = nextFunc(); // skip the "Do function; its just a marker break; case 98: // a Repeat // If it doesn't repeat infinitely... if(fi.times >= 0) { // One less time fi.remaining--; if(fi.remaining <= 0) { fi.remaining = fi.times; // reset the loop fi = nextFunc(); } else { ptr = fi.ret; // Jump back to the last "Do" fi = nextFunc(); } } else { ptr = fi.ret; // Jump back to the last "Do" fi = nextFunc(); } break; case 99: // Reload // Reload the script from the URL if(initScript() == -1) // If the script path is bad... { fi = null; } else { fi = nextFunc(); // and get the first function. } break; } return fi; } // End nextFunc() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // just a simple function to see if it is a color code boolean isColor(char t) { if(t == 'r' || t == 'g' || t == 'b' || t == 'y' || t == 'o' || t == 'p' || t == 'w' || t == 'c') return true; else return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get the varible defined String getVar(String s, int i) { String t; if(s.charAt(i) == '{') { t = s.substring(i+1); t = t.substring(0,t.indexOf('}')); } else t = String.valueOf(s.charAt(i)); return t; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // create the final text line from parsing the store line // Add any codes (ie \t, \r, \g, \b, etc.) here to parse // out of the text line. FuncInfo parseLine(FuncInfo fi) { String tmp; String time; String month[] = {"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun", "Jul","Aug","Sept","Oct","Nov","Dec"}; String Month[] = {"January","February","March","April","May","June", "July","August","September","October","November","December"}; String day[] = {"Sun","Mon","Tues","Wed","Thur","Fri","Sat"}; String Day[] = {"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"}; String ddmmyy; int min; int pm; Date date = new Date(); int a,b; int i; char c; String t; // The tag (eg. text=Hello \ythere, t=y) tmp = fi.store; fi.color = ""; if(fi.func == 0 || (fi.func >= 2 && fi.func <= 97)) { c = 'r'; // the default color b = 0; while(b < tmp.length()) { if(tmp.charAt(b) == '\\') // if there is a '\' does the following { // letter indicate a color. b++; // Get the tag! if(tmp.charAt(b) == '{') { t = tmp.substring(b+1); // cut out the \{XX} tmp = tmp.substring(0,b-1).concat(t.substring(t.indexOf('}')+1)); t = t.substring(0,t.indexOf('}')); b -= 1; } else { t = tmp.substring(b,b+1); tmp = (tmp.substring(0,b-1)).concat(tmp.substring(b+1)); // take the "\r" out b -= 1; } // set the if(t.length() == 1 && isColor(t.charAt(0))) { c = t.charAt(0); } else if(t.compareTo("tt") == 0) { // it is the "time" variable!! if(date.getHours() >= 12) pm = 1; else pm = 0; if(pm == 1) { a = date.getHours(); if(a == 12) time = String.valueOf(12); else time = String.valueOf(date.getHours()-12); } else { a = date.getHours(); if(a == 0) time = String.valueOf(12); else time = String.valueOf(a); } time = time.concat(":"); min = date.getMinutes(); if(min >= 10) time = time.concat(String.valueOf(min)); else { time = time.concat("0"); time = time.concat(String.valueOf(min)); } if(pm == 1) time = time.concat(" pm"); else time = time.concat(" am"); tmp = ((tmp.substring(0,b)).concat(time)).concat(tmp.substring(b)); b += time.length(); for(i = 0; i < time.length(); i++) fi.color = (fi.color).concat((new Character(c)).toString()); } // End time else if(t.compareTo("dd") == 0 || t.compareTo("DD") == 0) // Set the current date { if(t.compareTo("dd") == 0) ddmmyy = day[date.getDay()]; else ddmmyy = Day[date.getDay()]; // Set up the color for(i = 0; i < ddmmyy.length(); i++) fi.color = (fi.color).concat((new Character(c)).toString()); tmp = ((tmp.substring(0,b)).concat(ddmmyy)).concat(tmp.substring(b)); b += ddmmyy.length(); } else if(t.compareTo("dn") == 0) { ddmmyy = String.valueOf(date.getDate()); // Set up the color for(i = 0; i < ddmmyy.length(); i++) fi.color = (fi.color).concat((new Character(c)).toString()); tmp = ((tmp.substring(0,b)).concat(ddmmyy)).concat(tmp.substring(b)); b += ddmmyy.length(); } else if(t.compareTo("mm") == 0 || t.compareTo("MM") == 0) { if(t.compareTo("mm") == 0) ddmmyy = month[date.getMonth()]; else ddmmyy = Month[date.getMonth()]; // Set up the color for(i = 0; i < ddmmyy.length(); i++) fi.color = (fi.color).concat((new Character(c)).toString()); tmp = ((tmp.substring(0,b)).concat(ddmmyy)).concat(tmp.substring(b)); b += ddmmyy.length(); } else if(t.compareTo("mn") == 0) { ddmmyy = String.valueOf(date.getMonth()+1); // Set up the color for(i = 0; i < ddmmyy.length(); i++) fi.color = (fi.color).concat((new Character(c)).toString()); tmp = ((tmp.substring(0,b)).concat(ddmmyy)).concat(tmp.substring(b)); b += ddmmyy.length(); } else if(t.compareTo("yy") == 0 || t.compareTo("YY") == 0) { if(t.compareTo("YY") == 0) ddmmyy = String.valueOf(date.getYear()+1900); else ddmmyy = String.valueOf(date.getYear()%100); // Set up the color for(i = 0; i < ddmmyy.length(); i++) fi.color = (fi.color).concat((new Character(c)).toString()); tmp = ((tmp.substring(0,b)).concat(ddmmyy)).concat(tmp.substring(b)); b += ddmmyy.length(); } // End short date else if(t.compareTo("\\") == 0) // Are they trying to delimit the backslash? { tmp = (tmp.substring(0,b)).concat(tmp.substring(b+1)); // delimit the '\' b--; } else { // A little error output System.out.println("Backslash (\\) error in text line: "+ fi.store); } } // END - if(tmp.charAt(b) == '\\') else { b++; fi.color = fi.color.concat((new Character(c)).toString()); } } // END - for(...) } // END - if(fi.func == ...) fi.text = tmp; return fi; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read in the script into a linked list of FuncInfo's int initScript() { InputStream file; DataInputStream dis; URL url; String line; int listlen; int dos; int a; try { url = new URL(documentURL,scrpt); file = url.openStream(); dis = new DataInputStream(file); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return -1; } try { list = new linkList(); // The linked list start = list; // The head of the list ptr = list; // The current element listlen = 0; dos = 0; // Used to know how many Do's there are while((line = dis.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); // cut off white space at the beginning and end if(!(line.startsWith("!!")) && (line.length() != 0)) // Not a comment or blank line { listlen++; ptr.fi = getFunc(line); // Get the function number if(ptr.fi.func == 97) dos++; // Chalk up another "Do" ptr.next = new linkList(); ptr = ptr.next; // advance to the next command } } // Ok now lets set the return pointers for the loops ptr = start; linkList stack[] = new linkList[dos]; // Allocate the array dos = 0; for(a=0;a 0) { dos--; ptr.fi.ret = stack[dos]; } else { // OMYGOSH!! Script error output!!!! System.out.println("Repeat error in line : Repeat times="+ptr.fi.times); System.out.println(" Mismatched Do/Repeats?"); } } ptr = ptr.next; } ptr = start; file.close(); dis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Error! return -1; // We could not read from the script. This is a bad script path. } return 1; } // End initScript() } // End Class Script